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Implementation of Project Management in Organization Project
Selem Blogs
Share your thoughts, Experience, lessons learned in Implementation of Project Management in Organization Project  
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Share your thoughts, Experience, lessons learned in Implementation of Project Management in Organization Project  
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Underground Space is our Present & Future Best Option
Selem Blogs
Increasing competition for surface space, targets for energy savings and for the broader objectives of sustainable development, point progressively towards greater, more diverse and better-coordinated use of the subsurface. In this way, supply and demand both favour increase in the ex
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Increasing competition for surface space, targets for energy savings and for the broader objectives of sustainable development, point progressively towards greater, more diverse and better-coordinated use of the subsurface.

In this way, supply and demand both favour increase in the extent and range of use of the ground beneath our feet. 

(Abstract from "Tunnelling Technologies for the 3rd Millennium" Foreword by Sir Alan MuirWood ITA president 1974-1977) -   www.ita-aites.org

As Professionals & Experts in the Underground Space, Lets Share 5 lines about one of the following items:-

1- the usage of the underground space 

2- Innovation in the underground space 

3- Underground space Projects durability and envirnomental aspects 

4- communication in the underground space  

5- Tunnells Techobonlogy 

6-   Preservation, Repair & Rehabilitation of Concrete

7-  Contract, Value Engineering and Cost Management

8-  Designing of Underground Spaces

9-  Geotechnical investigation and monitoring for underground construction projects

10-  Equipment, operational safety and maintenance in underground structures

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